Please Help, College Students Car Stolen

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Did you know that you can get Redplum coupons by mail. Today I was looking for coupons that you could get in the mail and come across this information.

“Valassis prides itself on delivering valuable cost savings and advertisements (including grocery circulars) to the homes of consumers throughout the country. We also respect and understand the rights of consumers to accept or decline these mailings.

If you are not currently receiving the RedPlum Mail Package and would like to, or if you would prefer to stop the RedPlum Mail Package from being delivered to your address, please follow one of the steps listed below. Please note, your request will take five to six weeks from receipt to take effect and we cannot guarantee mail delivery to all addresses.”

Click here for more information and to see if you can sign up to get coupons delivered to you by mail.